
Friday 13 April 2018

Elf cups

I joined Crafty Green Boyfriend  for a lunchtime walk round a very muddy Corstorphine Hill today. It was very misty but the air was full of birdsong and we saw several birds including this chaffinch that came down to feed on the birdfood that we put out on the wall

A nuthatch kept flying onto the wall too, but immediately flew away every time so no photos of that. And the pair of jays we saw were just too far away for a photo.

On the other hand, fungi stay in one place and can easily be photographed! We were delighted to find these beautiful elf cups (apparently you need a microscope to know whether they're scarlet elf cups or ruby elf cups, but they're wonderful to see either way).


  1. What a lovely blog you have! Great pictures and posts too...
    Have a happy weekend!

  2. Those elf cups are such a wonderful colour.

    All the best Jan

  3. I've never seen anything like that before. How cool those "cups" are. You live in such a beautiful area Juliet.😂

  4. I never touch red mushrooms. I always think they are poisonous. Comes from reading too many fairy tales when I was a child I suppose.

  5. Hi Juliet,

    The Elf cups are lovely and such a gorgeous colour.
    Happy new week


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