
Saturday 7 April 2018

Crafty Corvids

We had a lovely walk round Arthur's Seat today. It was lovely and mild though snow still lies on the hills!

The stars of the show were definitely the corvids! We had great views of a pair of ravens including this one which flew very close to us

We also watched several jackdaws making preparations for their nests, including this pair who were checking out nest sites

We were also delighted to get good views of this kestrel

I was keen to look at all the lichens that adorn the trees on the hill. These patches of
Xanthoria parietina are particularly lovely

for Nature Notes.


  1. You've seen some great birds up there

  2. Fabulous post.
    Your walk around Arthur's Seat looks glorious - I enjoyed seeing your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  3. Next time I visit Scotland, I'm definitely going to Arthur's Seat. Beautiful.

  4. You got some lovely shots on your walk. Is it usual for you to see snow this time of the year?

  5. Hi Simon, great birds indeed!

    Thanks Lowcarb!

    Lynn - it's definitely worth walking round Arthur's Seat!

    Sandy - it's late in the year for snow here!

  6. I am always amazed by lichen--it is a combination of fungus and algae I believe.

  7. How exciting to see these beautiful creatures! The scenery isn't bad, either :)

  8. I love this area around Edinburgh ... thanks for sharing these terrific shots. I especially like the jackdaws!!!

  9. Beautiful area you live in and so nice to see the wildlife...Michelle


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