
Friday 23 March 2018

My Time - Poetry Inspired by Creativity

I was delighted to receive in the post my contributor's copy of My Time: Poems Inspired by Creativity a new publication from Voluntary Arts Scotland (VAS) in association with the Scottish Poetry Library.

It's a beautifully produced publication full of inspiring poetry written in response to various creative activities including dancing, choral singing, instrumental music, quilting and photography (my contribution is a haiku inspired by making jewellery). It also includes lots of colour photos of people being creative.

You can find out more about the project here and you can read some of the poems here or visit the Scottish Poetry Library where some of the poems are on display. I'm not sure where the booklet will be available, but you could contact either the poetry library or VAS.....

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for including the link - I've been reading through the poems.

    I hope you've had a good week, it seems to have flown by!
    Have a great weekend.

    All the best Jan


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