
Monday 19 February 2018

Signs of Spring

There really are a lot of snowdrops in Craiglockart Dell (by the Water of Leith) at the moment, morethan in previous years it seems to me

The hazel catkins are also putting on a wonderful display and the tiny red female flowers are also out, can you see one in this photo?

I smelt this patch of wild garlicc before I saw it!

and  this tree trunk looks very autumnal covered with fungi - not sure on the species here, I thought hairy stereum at first but I'm not sure. If you can identify this fungus, let me know in the comments!

The birds were singing too, it was particularly nice to hear the loud repetitive song of the song thrush and the slow melancholy song of the mistle thrush.

For Nature Notes.


  1. Wonderful, spring is not far away but today it's so very, very cold here, brrr.
    Regards, Janneke

  2. Oh right! It will be 18 degrees (F) here tonight and about 35 tomorrow. Like that for two or three more days ...

  3. Warming, Juliet: as limb-tips begin to redden. _m

  4. Beautiful.
    We have snow in the mountains, but here in Turin spring is not far away.

  5. Wow..I have never seen those kind of catkins...Amazing.. We are getting closer to spring..Michelle


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