
Friday 23 February 2018

Gorgeous Gorse and the first bumble bee of the year

It's a beautiful sunny day today with the scent of Spring in the air (though we are promised a cold snap next week!). The gorse is beautiful in the sunshine

As I took this photo (on Corstorphine Hill) two sparrowhawks were circling each other high above (probably a courtship display) not far from a buzzard (probably hunting). Lovely to watch!

While waiting for the bus home, I watched two bumble bees (probably buff tailed bumbles) flying round this heather. The bees didn't pose for their photos, but the heather is still very photogenic.

Sadly there haven't been any bunnies on this slope outside the hotel for over a year now. They used to offer great entertainment while waiting for a bus. Of course there's plenty of animal entertainment in the nearby zoo, but we miss the bunnies!


  1. Yes, I've seen a couple of bumbles so far and they were both buff tailed queens. The common carders will be next round here

  2. Anonymous2:35 am

    what a shame the bumble bees didn't want their photos taken :)

  3. Lovely. I spotted a bumble bee this weekend here, too.


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