
Tuesday 16 January 2018

Papayas and Lemons

In your garden grew a beautiful lemon tree
In mine there was a papaya tree

We breakfasted on fresh papayas
sprinkled with ginger
and drizzled with lemon juice

Until one day a raging storm
blew down the papaya tree

Now we eat our breakfasts alone
and you take your lemons to market

Previously published as part of Gabrielle Bryden's Citrus Fiesta.  


I've also posted another poem about Malawi on my Shapeshifting Green blog, you can read it here


  1. That's cool. I'm a big fan of ginger. In winter on a cold day I like to drink ginger tea. Lemon is for summer. Papaya I never had. In fact simpleton that I am I'm not even sure what it is.

  2. Cute poem. I would love to grow a lemon tree!

    Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  3. Oh, Juliet... such a sad poem and yet brimming with zest and colour. I'm so glad you re-posted it for us.

  4. I have not seen this before. Love it!

  5. I was always rather put off the idea of papaya after someone told me they smell of vomit.

  6. I enjoyed reading this ...

    All the best Jan

  7. Wishes for a bright and prosperous 2018

    Luv your lemony poem Juliet, so happens I posted 2 Lemon Cinquains HERE

    MUCH LOVE...


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