
Wednesday 10 January 2018

Nightdress Case Kitty

I have had this lovely kitten nightdress case since I was about 9 (when  I called her Maria Sashia - even then I liked things to rhyme!). I still use her too, though these days she stores my hankies. Anyway she'd become a bit worn

so I decided to smarten her up. I cut out pieces of dark blue and orange felt and sewed them on. Instead of trying to cut a very small piece of felt the right shape for her nose I decided to embroider her a new nose. So this is what she looks like now

She's not perfect but she looks much brighter now.


  1. Awww, very cute kitty! Enjoy your day!

  2. What a beautiful cat, to match her lovely name!

  3. Kitty is lovely ...
    I do like her name too!

    All the best Jan


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