
Saturday 13 January 2018

Lauriston Castle Gardens

Lauriston Castle is more of a stately home than a castle

The house is set in lovely walled gardens that are always worth a wander round.

You can look our over the fields of Silverknowes to the Firth of Forth and Cramond Island

Recently a bee hive has been added to the gardens

though it was too early in the year for the bees to be at work yet!

The Japanese Friendship Garden is a  lovely part of the grounds

and the witch hazel is already in bloom

 You can see photos from our previous visits to Lauriston Castle here.


  1. Pretty views of the castle and gardens. Have a happy weekend!

  2. A beautiful home and trees already in bloom!

  3. Sure there was a Lauriston Hall near Kirkudbright that was a weird hippy commune

  4. Hi Simon - I've not heard of that one!

  5. Pawsome place to visit Aunty Juliet,I'm sure I would have fun there.I nominated you for the Mystery Blogger award today,xx Speedy

  6. Such nice views of the castle and gardens, thanks for sharing them.
    Have a good new week.

    All the best Jan

  7. What a lovely place. I would love to walk around there, too, if I could.


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