
Friday 22 December 2017

Oh Christmas Tree!

We took delivery of our Christmas tree today. You may remember a few weeks ago that we chose this tree from several options in Crafty Green Boyfriend's mother's garden

So now it's in the corner of our living room and has been decorated

The decorations are an eclectic mix of gifts, ornaments I've had since I was a teenager and broken jewellery! Odd or slightly damaged earrings make wonderful baubles and unwanted shiny necklaces make wonderful alternatives to tinsel!
After Christmas we'll give the tree back to Crafty Green Boyfriend's Mum and we may well get the same tree back for next year!

Here's an interesting article from the Woodland Trust about choosing an environmentally friendly tree.


  1. I think proper Christmas trees are rather wasteful, although our cardboard eco trees at work proved to be a bit...collapsible.

  2. Hello, it is great the tree goes back to the garden. Very pretty!

    Have a happy day and weekend. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  3. Hi Simon, I agree, the only green Christmas tree is like ours, a living one that spends most of the year in the garden,,,, sorry your cardboard tree collapsed!

    Thanks Eileen!

  4. Such a great idea to have a tree that goes back to the garden.

    Wishing you a Merry Christmas and all good things for 2018.

    All the best Jan

  5. A fine practice! We ave some in our yard that started that way! Now they are very tall.


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