
Wednesday 29 November 2017

Winter Trees

It's a  beautiful late autumn day today, almost wintry with the cold and frost!

The trees certainly look wintry in Craiglockart Dell along the Water of Leith. This is my favourite larch tree in the Dell, the larch is the only species of conifer that loses its needles in the winter, which is why they're all yellow!

A few years ago I studied this larch for Tree Following and here you can read my post about how the larch flowers develop through the year.

Here's a selection of other winter trees in the Dell

It's National Tree Week in the UK, a time to celebrate trees at the beginning of the winter tree planting season! Find out more from the Woodland Trust, here.


  1. I dread the frosty mornings when I ride to work!

  2. Here in the Southeast of the US, the trees are just turning colors (the sweet gum and hickory are bright yellow) but since there are so many "evergreens," we don't get the color I enjoyed when I lived up north. There is something about the soft light and bare trees of winter...

  3. So photogenic - those trees. Makes me want to try to write a poem - "I think that I shall never see .... " Nah. It'll never catch on.


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