
Monday 11 September 2017

Red Admirals, Earth Stars and a Wood Mouse too shy to be photographed

Knowing how terrible the weather is in some places at the moment, I was particularly keen to make the most of today's glorious weather here in Edinburgh. I made my weekly patrol of the Dells along the Water of Leith today.

A beautiful moon hung in the wonderful blue sky

nearby a grey heron was resting in a tree (I know herons nest in trees, but they always look somehow wrong standing in among the branches like this...)

There were earth stars everywhere - these lovely looking fungi seem to be spreading across Edinburgh

Also spiders webs everywhere, this conifer bush in Colinton Village particularly caught my eye

while the wildflower meadow in Spylaw Park still looks stunning in the sunshine

and is still attracting reasonable numbers of bees and hoverflies and this lovely red admiral which was happy to pose for photos

I also saw a tiny wood mouse, that ran under a plant and stayed there shivering, it looked a little ill and I didn't want to disturb it by taking a photo.


  1. There's something unique and special about the blue of a September sky. The brightness of summer with the sharpness of autumn, perhaps, before the sun heads south again! A moon in the blue!

  2. Hello, pretty moon shot. The earth star fungi are cool. Love the admiral butterfly. Great photos. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  3. Fall is clearly in the colors here too now. I always like to see the butterflies ... I get quite a few red admirals here too.

  4. We had a beautiful day here in BC Canada too, fall in the air, sunny and clear.🌞🐝

    Wishing you a wonderful week Juliet.

  5. You certainly did enjoy good weather when you took these photographs.
    A marvellous collection here ... thank you.

    All the best Jan

  6. I did see an Admiral yesterday. A beautiful butterfly, always welcome :)


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