
Monday 4 September 2017

First Signs of Autumn

It was dull and misty this morning, though also warm and humid. There are definitely signs of autumn around, whether you believe autumn starts on 1 September or at the autumn equinox or on whatever date that autumn wants to start. There are already some beautiful fallen leaves in Colinton Dell

though most of the leaves are still on the trees and only just starting to turn.

I was delighted to see a couple of groups of earth star fungi, they're very impressive fungi to find. These are in Spylaw Park by the banks of the Water of Leith.

I don't know what this fungus below is, there were several of them but they were very tricky to photograph - if you have any ideas on what it might be, please let me know in the comments!


  1. Autumn is sure around the corner, it's been a long run of summer days. Nice photos and warm greetings!

  2. I could go with cooler temperatures and less humidity!

  3. Hello, I have been enjoying the fungi lately. So many shapes and colors. Great photos. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  4. Nice Earth Stars. Could the red ones be Brick caps which are a bit like Sulphur tuft but less yellow. They grow on wood so if these didn't it'll be something else!

  5. It always comes around so quickly. I've spotted the odd autumnal leaf falling and there's definitely a nip in the air!

  6. Very interesting fungi, don't know either what the name of the reddish one is, but the Earth Stars are wonderful, never seen them.

  7. Toad stools!!!!

  8. I didn't realise you were so far ahead - I usually look for Earth stars in December! But we do have many brown and fallen leaves now. It has been a very strange summer, I feel, in terms of the weather.


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