
Saturday 19 August 2017

Great views from Arthurs Seat

Arthur's Seat is one of Edinburgh's many lovely places for a walk. We were there again today. The hill gives lovely views across Duddingston Loch

and also across to the Pentland Hills

It's also the best place in Edinburgh to get a view of viper's bugloss, with its pink and blue flowers

Arthur's Seat is usually a really good place for spotting insects and birds, but there wasn't much around today, the very high winds probably didn't help!


  1. What a neat name! Our kids were in Edinburgh last month! So beautiful!

  2. Hello, pretty views and images. Happy weekend!

  3. Great view you've got there above looking down on the loch! It's certainly a special place right enough and looks like you had grand weather! Fine walk also along the low road below Samson's ribs out to the start of the Crags and Hutton's rock!

  4. Where I live we have Mt. Erie to go up for the panoramic views!!

  5. It's a beautiful spot!

  6. Definitely great views, a very nice spot.

    All the best Jan

  7. A beautiful walk!


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