
Saturday 12 August 2017

Dean Village (Water of Leith)

We enjoyed a walk along the Water of Leith today from Roseburn to Stockbridge, via Dean Village. (Along this part of the walkway there is a diversion, due to a dangerous landslide that's waiting to happen. It could happen at any time, so it is best to follow the diversion, though not everyone does).

We stopped here, opposite the picturesque Well Court (built in the 1880's by a newspaper magnate as housing for his workers)

We watched a lovely grey wagtail (probably not visible in the photo, even if you do click for a larger view!). It was flying repeatedly from a large stick in the river, catching insects.

We had earlier stopped to look at the progress of the wildflower meadow near the Gallery of Modern Art

It's full of a variety of wildflowers and the bees and hoverflies love it, though there weren't as many as there would have been on a sunnier day.

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more


  1. That is worker housing? Wow! The wagtail reminds me of our mockingbirds.

  2. Such beautiful country!

  3. Hello, it is a pretty place. I hope there is not a landslide. Enjoy your day and weekend!

  4. Hi Sandy, it isn't worker housing now, but that's what it was built as...

    Thanks Jenn

    Eileen - hopefully the council will be able to stabilise the land soon....

  5. Sigh.....Dean Village, another wonderful place in your country.

  6. How lovely to find a wildflower meadow...

    We came back from our holiday to find that (while we had been out and about in freshly-proofed rain gear) my wildflower trough at home had dried out, and the only surviving flower is a huge Mallow.

  7. Looks a very nice place, very picturesque.

    All the best Jan


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