
Friday 21 July 2017

Plenty to see even on a Dull Day

As I often do on a Friday, I joined Crafty Green Boyfriend for a wander round Corstorphine HIll this lunchtime. It was dull and muggy, but there was plenty to see. Fungi for example! These earth balls are looking very impressive

and this below is another impressive fungus, though I don't what it is. If anyone can help with identifying it, please leave a note in the comments! The pretty pink flowers are pink purslane

We were pleased to see this handsome wasp, though again, not something we could identify to species level

and this red legged shield bug was very happy to pose for photos

We were most impressed however by the raspberries, which continue to ripen - we filled a wee tub with them, some of which we'll eat and some of which we'll pass to Crafty Green Boyfriend's Mum to make jam.


  1. Hello, those puff balls and fungus are interesting. The shield bug looks like our stink bug.
    The raspberries are great here too, yum! Happy Friday, enjoy your day and weekend!

  2. Nice big bracket,could be Giant Polypore which particularly likes to feed on Beech roots. Was it on a stump? Meripilus, I think? There's nothing quite like wild rasps!

  3. There are always good things to see in nature!

  4. Grand Friday walk and photos, Juliet.
    __ Raspberries strawberries, the good wines they brew; to me, blackberries 'on the wild' are

    root rot
    this cluster of mushrooms

    __ A wild guess, could be root rot mushrooms? _m

  5. Yes, even on a dull day there was plenty to see ...
    Thanks for sharing your photo's.

    Raspberries are definitely Yum!
    Enjoy your weekend

    All the best Jan

  6. Jamie - yes it's Meripilus giganteus, someone in Edinburgh Natural History Society told me

  7. dull and muggy . . .
    there's a fungus
    I haven't seen before

    Not exactly what you said, but allow me the liberty.

  8. Yumm. We await the blackberries ripening. They are VERY prolific here!

  9. I don't mind dull days sometimes - this dull day was gorgeous, looks like.

  10. Lynn - I like dull days too, but it can mean there are fewer insects about, so less to see!


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