
Wednesday 31 May 2017

A Sunfly in the Sun

It's been a lovely sunny day today. Colinton Dell is looking beautiful, the buttercup meadows are at their best!

This particular buttercup meadow will later in the year become an orchid meadow!

I was delighted to see a couple of sunflies (Helophilus sp hoverflies) also known as footballer hoverflies due to their patterning which looks like a typical soccer shirt.

There are loads of insects everywhere at the moment, just look at all the aphids on the leaves of this sycamore! (Click on the image for a closer look!) So this should mean lots of food for the birds!

 30 Days Wild, the challenge to do something wild every day through June starts tomorrow! I'll be doing my best to take part, though as ever, part of 30 Days Wild coincides with the Edinburgh International Film Festival, which has a great programme this year and I'll be using my press pass to full advantage, which may mean less wild time!

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other pages where you can find out more.


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