
Tuesday 25 April 2017

Photos from a sunny weekend

The weather was wonderful this weekend, sunny and warm! I was visiting my Dad down in suburban Manchester. We spent some time in the garden, where the tulips, though past their best, still look wonderful

as do the jonquils

and the azaleas

another azalea bush is still waiting to come into full bloom

while the yellow flag irises look lovely even before they've started to flower

and I saw my first Eristalis hoverfly of the year

We also visited Blackleach Country Park which isn't far from my Dad's house, the cowslips are always a highlight of the park at this time of year

There were loads of butterflies enjoying the sunshine, though not stopped for a photo! We saw several orange tip butterflies, two peacock butterflies and two speckled wood butterflies.


  1. I'm slow with posting, but we also saw Orange Tips (and Green Veined White and Peacock) on our travels over the last few days. The North Norfolk coast was cool (bitterly cold on Saturday evening) and grey at times, but warm and sunny at others. Your father's garden looks a picture of flowers - I love tulips, wish we were better at growing them here. We have also saw some lovely cowslips... and Sutton Hoo has glorious swathes of bluebells.

  2. Hello, pretty tulips. Lovely flowers and images. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  3. What a nice visit, getting to see your father and the lovely flowers.

  4. It has been bitter today, but the hairy footed flower bees, unlike other bees, don't seem to mind it

  5. Good to see. Things here are sooo slow. Temps. regularly below average and gray. Today we heard the oysters are not even spawning - too cold!

  6. Your father's yard is nice. I have often read of cowslips, but not seen them.

  7. Pretty flowers indeed.

  8. Nice to visit family.
    A lovely selection of photographs. It's always nice to see the spring flowers in all their colourful glory.

    All the best Jan


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