
Sunday 26 March 2017

Year of the Toad

Common toad near Blackford Pond, Edinburgh

Last weekend we visited Blackford Pond hoping to see lots of toads spawning but we were too early for the toads, though just on time for the frogs!

I just found out that this year has been designated as Year of the Toad! In the UK, common toads have alarmingly declined by 68% over the past 30 years. This is likely to be due to a number of factors including changes to farming practices, loss of ponds, an increase in urbanisation, milder winters and more toads dying on roads.

There are many ways you can help toads, including by digging a pond in your garden or by taking part in activities to raise awareness of toads. You can find out more on the Froglife website

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other pages where you can find out more.


  1. Hello, it is great to help out the toads. I will slow down and stop if I see the frogs and toads in the road. Have a happy day and new week ahead!

  2. That was a great little hidey hole!

  3. I love toads! We don't have a lot here, but we did at our previous home.


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