
Saturday 18 March 2017

Toad in the Hole and a Lot of Frogs

We wandered down to Blackford Pond today hoping to see some frogs and toads! We were delighted to see lots of frogs in one part of the pond, surrounded by frog spawn

We also met lots of frogs sitting in the path behind the wall, it's interesting to see how different they can look

and how these two amorous frogs didn't seem to notice the toad behind them.

And more frogs, as they are so cute, especially when they try to hide in the leaves!

There are drainage spaces in the wall so that water can drain away from the path back into the pond. This toad seemed to be quite at home in one of these holes


  1. Fun photos! Frogs and toads always seem to hop away as I try to snap a photo, so I end up with no frog in the picture or a very blurry one! lol.

  2. it is good to see lots of frogs and toads, as they are too few of them these days.

  3. What beauties they are!

  4. Great series of photo's here.

    All the best Jan

  5. As a friend of mine says about now - "Ribbit On!"

  6. They blend in the leaves so well! Love the one in the "hole"!


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