
Monday 20 March 2017

International Day for Happy Sparrows!

 Today is International Happiness Day.

What better way to celebrate the day than to go bird-watching! (As I was leading a group there are no photos from today, the photo below is from a previous visit!). The weather was very mixed, ranging from strong winds to torrential rain with perhaps a little hail and then occasional clear blue skies. The route was a long circular walk along paths through the farm fields at Liberton (where the skylarks sang for us, but the grey partridge remained hidden) up past Liberton Tower
(where we saw lots of house sparrows (and some llamas, which are new to these fields!) then along the bridle path by the golf course (where we saw tree sparrows, bullfinches and yellowhammers!) and down into the Hermitage of Braid and along the road (where we saw goldcrests and buzzards).

We were particularly happy to see the tree sparrows and house sparrows as it is also today World Sparrow Day!

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more.


  1. Hello, I will wait for some warmer days here to go birding. Love the photo. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  2. I found an alpaca farm a couple of days ago!

  3. I love that the birds sang for you on your walk today. Happy Happiness Day to you as well!

  4. Birds are out in force here today! Lots of sparrows. Spring might actually be coming ...

  5. I would love to be in a walking group like that - it sounds so peaceful and perfect for Happiness Day!


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