
Tuesday 14 March 2017


The daffodils are now out! They look lovely alongside this little path at the back of Redhall Gardens in Craiglockart Dell by the Water of Leith

and also in Spylaw Park at the other end of the Dells in Colinton Village

The celandines are also in bloom and look particularly wonderful when the sun shines directly on them

Also looking lovely in the sun, though mostly not blooming yet are the wild leeks and wild garlic

It definitely feels like Spring out there!


  1. The celandines look lovely until you get mistaken for one when wearing your yellow running top, at which point you get swarmed on by small black beetles as you often find on a celandine!

  2. Yes, it is very Spring like at the moment.
    Lovely to see the daffodils and celandines ... that lovely yellow is always so cheerful!

    All the best Jan

  3. Bottle some and send it over!!!

  4. March 1st through 10th we had daffodils, Forsythia, and beautiful blooming trees (several varieties) then snow off and on for three days and this morning (15th) temp 14 degrees F. So flowers are pretty much done for a while. So lovely to see your pictures.

  5. I love the sunlight there. Lovely.


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