
Friday 3 February 2017

Show the Love

I think this is the third year of Show the Love - the Green Hearts campaign which encourages people to make and wear green hearts on Valentines Day to show their love for nature.

The campaign is lead by the Climate Coalition, which is made up of a number of environmental charities including Woodland Trust.

I still wear the heart sent to me two years ago by World Wildlife Fund, it was made by Annette in Guildford, who loves 'the planet'. It's now permanently pinned to my coat....

I've just come back from a lovely lunchtime walk round Corstorphine Hill - the first snowdrops are out and many birds are singing in preparation for spring (including robins, great tits, blue tits and blackbirds). I took some photos of the snowdrops, but can't share them on the blog as yet as we have some computer problems which prevent uploading and saving. The computer will be fixed soon and then I'll share some photos! The photo above is an old one.

Climate change threatens to disrupt our seasons (and we already see signs of this in some plants blooming earlier than they used to and some birds nesting earlier). If seasons get out of alignment then some birds won't be able to breed at all - if for example caterpillars start coming out earlier but migrating birds are unable to change their arrival dates to benefit from this change and instead find themselves facing a food shortage. 


  1. I'd not heard of this "green heart" campaign. It's quite lovely, really. I might begin looking about for a green heart (since I'm not at all crafty, myself!).

  2. That's a great heart design. Climate change is real. The more we deny, the more we are digging our grave.

    Greetings from London.

  3. I'd not heard of this campaign either.

    Hope you manage to get your computer fixed soon ... it's lovely seeing the first snowdrops isn't it.

    All the best Jan


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