
Saturday 28 January 2017

Water Rail and Lively Squirrels

It's been a dull and damp day today but that didn't stop us going out! We started in Inverleith Park where we hoped to see the water rail and luckily it did finally appear, though it was limping. We hope it wasn't badly injured. Thanks Crafty Green Boyfriend for this photo

We then crossed the road and into the Botanic Gardens. There were plenty of birds to see including this male mallard

But the stars of the show were the grey squirrels - this one looks a little the worse for wear somehow

but the rest all seem in top condition, with glossy coats, fluffy tails and lots of energy


  1. Hello, the Rail is awesome. Great bird. Cute shots of the squirrel. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  2. The squirrels round here are huge and fat, they love the church yard, you can usually see 7-8 of them at any one time, hurtling around, chasing each other, and sneaking off up the trees with acorns

  3. dear Juliet,

    Beautiful photos and you got so close to all these sweet birds and animals.
    Have a lovely weekend

  4. Oh my those squirrel pictures are just lovely to see ...

    All the best Jan


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