
Tuesday 17 January 2017

Wardrobe Rescue!

The original frills on the cuffs of this top (which were made from the same embroidered fabric as the rest of the top) fell apart and I removed them. But since then the sleeves have always felt too short.

So I finally decided to make some new cuffs (these being easier to make than frills!) I recently found some suitable fabric, a lovely black satin from an old robe that had fallen apart. I cut the fabric from the collar of the robe, which very conveniently included two perfectly shaped pieces with the hemming all sewn and everything (I do like short cuts!).

Here's the first cuff I made and sewed on

and here's the top as it looks now (thanks to Crafty Green Boyfriend for this photo!)

1 comment:

  1. The kind of ingenuity and knick-knackiness that is utterly beyond me!


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