
Monday 9 January 2017

Stickertopia - The Forest - a book review

I was delighted to be offered a copy of Stickertopia The Forest to review. I love the idea of a sticker based book for adults based on scenes from the natural world.

It's a beautiful book, with illustrations by Kate Sutton, Luci Evertt and Yan Yan Candy Ng. The forests illustrated include Sherwood Forest, home of Robin Hood, Tongass National Park and the Amazon Rainforest. There are also 'forest at night' and 'winter wonderland' and a couple of magical forests. Each forest picture has an accompanying page of stickers that you can add to it to finish off the scene - you can either follow the guidelines in the mini sample completed pictures or you can use your imagination.  (You may want to check the sample pictures to check which flower stickers go with which plants in the picture and then use your imagination for the rest!)

For my first attempt, I chose the Enchanted Glade, where Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream is set. Here is the picture as it is presented in the book

and here it is after I had added the stickers.

This is a lovely relaxing activity, an alternative to the adult colouring books that are so much the thing these days. I have to say though that the smaller stickers are very fiddly to use!

Stickertopia the Forest is published by Octopus Books

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more. 

Disclaimer: I was sent a free copy of this book to review. 


  1. I ran an adult clouring contest at work for Christmas, worked really well!

  2. I am amazed at the adult interest in coloring (and now stickers). :)

  3. Simon - great idea, glad it worked!

    Sage - so am I to be honest!

  4. What a fun idea!!!!


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