
Friday 20 January 2017

Maison de Moggy

It was Crafty Green Boyfriend's birthday yesterday and for a vaguely anti-Trump Inauguration themed celebration we went to Edinburgh's cat cafe Maison de Moggy today.

Sebastian was taking his cloakroom duty very seriously

Like many of the cats, Elodie was asleep for much of the time, though she woke at one point and ran around at top speed for a while before getting back into her favourite chair

Guillame was one of three of the cats who lay in the window for most of our visit

as did Pauline

though Jacques preferred the shelf unit

and I enjoyed making friends with Alain!

Crafty Green Boyfriend as usual doesn't want to have his photo on the blog but he also enjoyed meeting all the cats!

We loved meeting the cats and also enjoyed the drinks (Chocolate Abyss tea in my case, hot chocolate for Crafty Green Boyfriend) and the cakes (raspberry cheesecake chocolate brownie for me and salted caramel mud cake for Crafty Green Boyfriend.

It was Crafty Green Boyfriend's first visit to the cafe, but my second (you can read my review of my first visit here) and we hope to go back sometime!

If we had thought about it, we would have continued the anti-Trump theme for the day with a Mexican meal, but we had already booked an Italian!


  1. Hello, the cats are pretty. The cat cafe sounds like fun! I am anti-trump too. Happy weekend!

  2. I'm not sure I've ever heard of a cat café, but what a wonderful idea. I'm sure there's no lack of entertainment! (Happy birthday to your boyfriend, too. I think birthday seasons are perfectly acceptable, so the greetings aren't late at all!)

  3. Sounds like a lovely birthday celebration. I am worried sick about the state of our United States right now (and by extension, the world --- Mexico, Italy, Scotland.... everywhere. Yesterday's marches all over the world gave me a little bit of hope... but the marchers and all the rest of us have to remain vigilant and do what we can.

  4. Lovely to see the photo's of the cats and you.

    Belated Birthday Wishes to Crafty Green Boyfriend.

    All the best Jan


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