
Wednesday 14 December 2016

Sunrise lasts all morning!

 At this time of year the sunrise seems to last most of the morning, these photos are from Musselburgh at about 10 o'clock.
The Lagoons were very busy with birds. Here were have greylag geese in the foreground with oystercatchers, bar tailed godwits and more greylags in the background (also teal and wigeon, but you're not likely to be able to see them in the photo).

I noticed this mussel shell covered in barnacles on the lichen covered sea wall.

I was also delighted to see, along with velvet scoters and a long tailed duck - there was a seal in the Firth of Forth!  (I don't know whether it was a grey seal or a common seal, it just poked it's head out of the water every so often then disappeared again!).

It feels far too warm for December.


  1. We anticipate a cold wave, and more snow! It looks so different there!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  2. It looks like winter there. Do you see more birds, ducks, and geese early in the day?

  3. Hi Jenn - I'd love to have a properly cold winter (though perhaps not with as much snow as you seem to get!)

    Hi Sandy, generally we would see more ducks and geese at the lagoons when it's high tide, regardless of the time of day, however I find even that to be unpredictable...

  4. Four fabulous photo's you've shared here.
    Lovely to see.

    All the best Jan

  5. Nice pix - very low sun all day here too now - and very cold for us - but clear and sunny a pretty scenes. Mountains (Cascades) full up with snow!

  6. Hello, pretty series of photos. It is awesome seeing the large groups of birds. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  7. So neat that you saw a seal!

  8. I like how the birds are arranged in strata, with some in the the water, then on the edges, then up on the bank, then on top of the bank


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