
Tuesday 27 December 2016

Birds by the rushing waters

We had a lovely Bank Holiday wander along part of the Water of Leith today. The weather was calm and mild (unlike yesterday which was totally changeable and brought us blizzards and gales!). Here are photos of two of the weirs along the water. The first is the weir near the bridge that leads to the National Gallery of Modern Art

The second is the weir near Dean Village

We saw lots of birds, most delightfully this kingfisher that photo-bombed this photo that Crafty Green Boyfriend took of a chaffinch - the kingfisher is in the background, you may need to click on the photo for a better view!


  1. I'd so need to get a shot of a kingfisher!

  2. Wonderful pictures... Today it was foggy until 3 PM. There was just enough wind to sail and I went out with a friend and as we came back into the harbor the sun finally broke through.

  3. So good to get out and about isn't it.
    Thanks for sharing your photo's, yes I did click to view them.

    All the best Jan


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