
Thursday 8 December 2016

A new use for old train tickets!

You don't always get to keep your train tickets after a journey, if there are ticket barriers at the station then your ticket disappears off into the dark unknown! However, some stations don't yet have ticket barriers and even in those that do, they aren't always working. So I have a pile of train tickets, which I've collected for years, without really knowing what I was going to do with them! I don't like to throw things away but nor do I like to collect things just for the sake of it, so I was happy when I suddenly realised that train tickets are the perfect size for packaging earrings!

So now when you order a pair of earrings from the Crafty Green Poet Etsy shop, you'll get a free out of date train ticket! (Inside a little gift bag.)


  1. I love this recycling of train tickets - wholly practical and quirky too!

  2. I must have thousands of these things over the years! That's a lot of earrings

  3. Quite a funny idea, using them for packaging.


  4. I love this recycling of train tickets - wholly practical and quirky too!

  5. So different. Here in the Pacific NW the trains are rare and for long trips. I guess Seattle has some inter-trains for commuters, but those not for going away from town. We have too much sprawl - because we could!!!

  6. Wow, I like your idea!

    All the best Jan


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