
Tuesday 22 November 2016

Secondhand First Week

Secondhand First Week,  organised by fashion reuse charity TRAID, is a chance to celebrate all things secondhand and commit to re-using and appreciating what we already have rather than buying new.

Some things are much better new, such as underwear and shoes but for most other items of clothing then second hand shops have a great selection and sometimes they even sell new shoes and underwear that's never been taken out of it's packaging.

Second hand shops are where I buy most of my clothes and books as well as the bags of unsaleable jewellery that I then make into new items that I sell in the Crafty Green Poet Etsy shop. (And I've just made several new pairs of earrings that I'll blog about here in the near future.)

If you want to make your clothes last longer then you may find there are mending workshops in your area (there certainly are in Edinburgh) or you may want to organise a clothing swap party, so you can exchange your good quality clothing that you're tired of for the good quality clothes that your friends are tired of.... If this sounds like too much to organise then parcel up your unwanted clothes and take them to your local second hand shop or thrift store.

If your clothes are worn out beyond repair then you can use them to make new items!

You can find out more on the Secondhand First website.


  1. in the closet
    mom's old uniform

  2. I was so fortunate to be the oldest boy in our family!!!


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