
Monday 14 November 2016

A Carpet of leaves

Although many of the leaves are still on the trees round here, the woodlands are covered in beautiful autumnal carpets, like here under the hornbeam trees in Craiglockart Dell by the Water of Leith:

and up in Colinton Dell, the puffball fungi are now well past their best. You can see from this photo that they have opened and the spores are ready to puff out of the fungi when any passing animal touches it!

This is how the puffballs looked a month ago:


  1. Love the contrasting puffball pix.

  2. Beautiful words and photos ~ thanks,

    Wishing you a peaceful week ~ ^_^

  3. Lovely post my friend. I would truly enjoy a walk here.

  4. Nice to see the difference in the puff balls.
    I love this time of year for walking ...

    All the best Jan

  5. I love the fungus that time of year!!!

  6. Those puffballs are amazing to look at.


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