
Sunday 30 October 2016

Real Foods seeks baby photos to help celebrate its 40th Anniversary

Real Foods, Edinburgh's well-known ethical, vegetarian and specialist food store celebrates 40 years this weekend! There are various celebrations in-store to mark the occasion.

Real Foods are asking people to share their baby photos to help the celebrations! It doesn't matter how old you are (though you may need to be based in Edinburgh, I'm not sure), you can share your baby photo on the store's Facebook page for the chance to win a goodie bag. This competition closes at 9pm tonight, which doesn't leave long to search out that cute photo!

I shared this photo to their Facebook page

then Crafty Green Boyfriend and I thought it might be fun to recreate the photo, as I still have Peter the Rabbit (yes I know it's not really a rabbit!), so here is the present day version

Some blog readers may remember Peter from his role as host when Sylvain the rabbit from Cottontails Baby visited. You can read about that here.


  1. Beautiful photos of you as a child and now. So cute you still have your 'Peter the Rabbit'.

  2. Great to see these two photo's ...
    Sending good wishes for the new week ahead.

    All the best Jan


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