
Friday 23 September 2016

The scent of roses in Autumn

We came across this rose in Corstorphine today, it smelt as beautiful as it looks

On Corstorphine Hill itself, the acorns are forming

And outside the hotel on the main road, the bunnies are, as ever, eating the grass

We also saw a roe deer on the hill, this is very unusual, both of us thought that deer never came onto Corstorphine Hill, as the hill, though offering good habitat for the deer, seems too isolated for them to move easily to and from other green areas. I didn't try to capture the deer on film, I didn't want to disturb it!


  1. I certainly would enjoy a walk around Corstorphine Hill.
    I love your photo's ... and roses are always so lovely to see and take in the scent.

    All the best Jan

  2. getting to the last roses of summer!

  3. Hello, beautiful rose and I love the cute bunny. Happy weekend to you!

  4. Just reading the title of your post made me go: Yes! I love the smell of autumn, all of it. Thanks. Beautiful post.

    Greetings from London.

  5. The bunnies always seem to survive and thrive in spite of being pretty much the bottom of the food chain. The hill is still beautiful and green at the end of summer. I hope you learn more about the deer and why it is there now.

  6. So nice to smell the roses. I haven't in a while. Most of the newer ones are not scented. You find the loveliest places to walk. The cities here are only just beginning to provide walking paths.

  7. Beautiful pictures of the rose and the bunny


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