
Tuesday 13 September 2016

A hint of Autumn

It's the hottest September day for 50 years here in Scotland but the colours of the landscape are already turning towards Autumn. Here are two photos from along the John Muir Way in Musselburgh

and the whitebeam berries are ripening in the wooded area by the Lagoons

There are still a few hoverflies around, like this Syrphus sp

and the dominant male mute swan (with the uplifted wings) was keeping the flock under control


  1. Hello, lovely scenes and images. The swans are beautiful. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  2. So that's a dominant male swan, had no idea they had a hierarchy when in flocks.

  3. Oh dear - keep cool. My friends are touring in the Highlands and I hope they are enjoying it!

  4. Hi Simon - this swan was definitely in charge, a real bully at times in fact!

    Rabbits' Guy - this is Scotland, so the hottest September day in 50 years isn't by anyone else's measure extreme! I'm sure your friends are enjoying the Highlands!

  5. That's quite a record! Beautiful swans.

  6. I didn't realize that there would be a dominant swan in a group of them (I wonder what the collective noun is) ... anyway, I will watch for that behavior next time we're lucky enough to see some.

  7. Just love the picture of those swans ...amazing.

    All the best Jan

  8. warm spell
    the trees know
    it's autumn


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