
Thursday 25 August 2016

Some sunshine!

We're having a staycation at the moment, just staying in Edinburgh and having day trips. Yesterday was complicated by the fact I had a dental appointment to replace a broken filling but we visited a couple of Edinburgh's green spaces afterwards.

We walked up Calton Hill, which offers lovely views across Edinburgh

Then after stopping for cold drinks we went into Princes Street Gardens where we were amazed by how many bees there were in the borders! In the photo below there's a honey bee (in the flower at the bottom) and a buff tailed or white tailed bumble bee (in the flower further up at about one o'clock from the honey bee)

They were obviously enjoying the warm sunshine, of which there hasn't been a great deal this summer (as most of the rest of the world endures rising temperatures, wildfires and other extreme weather events, Scotland (at least this part of it) is having a very dull and relatively cool summer.)


  1. Yay for the sunshine! I love the pretty flowers. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  2. Enjoy your "stayacation"!

  3. Hi Juliet,

    Enjoy your break and hope you get to enjoy much sunshine.
    Not nice having to visit the dentist but something we all need to do.

  4. Glad you got some sunshine ...

    All the best Jan


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