
Sunday 21 August 2016

In the Hermitage

We had a lovely walk round Blackford Pond

and through the Hermitage of Braid today.

It was lovely to see that the little grebe (dabchick) has got a youngster this year, the adult is on the left here and the youngster on the right (thanks to Crafty Green Boyfriend for this photo).

The youngster is almost adult size now and seems quite independent, though the adult was still feeding it occasionally.

The mute swan pair have six cygnets, almost full grown now, though inexplicably neither of us took photos of them! 


  1. Hello, pretty spot. I love the cute grebes. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  2. Beautiful green shade -- wonderful for a summer walk ; I love grebes and am delighted to learn a new word for them (dabchick ... I had to write it to help me remember it!)

  3. Hi Sallie, it's just this species of grebe that's called the dabchick!

  4. Hi Juliet,

    Beautiful place to go walking and loved seeing the Grebe dabchicks and seeing some of your bird life.
    Happy week

  5. Such a pretty spot ... wouldn't mind a walk around there!

    All the best Jan


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