
Saturday 27 August 2016

Getting Lost and Finding a new path!

I was thinking this morning about how there seem to be few new paths around Edinburgh for us to explore, after all we've both lived here for a good long time! So today we set off over the Liberton fields

with their poppies

and white butterflies

hiding in the crops and the views across to the University buildings and Arthur's Seat in the distance

At the top of the hill we decided to walk over the Braid Hills, a walk which we've only done once before. And we quite soon realised we weren't on the path we'd been on last time! So inadvertently we had discovered a brand new walk! It passes through some wooded walkways

and past some lovely views of the hills

and some friendly horses

At lunchtime we conveniently discovered a pub we've never visited, it's got a lovely courtyard / beer garden

where swallows were flying round, some flying in and out of the arches in this photo

where we discovered they are still feeding their young! Probably their second or even third brood, which they will need to raise quickly before returning back to their wintering grounds in Africa!

After lunch we continued our walk through more lovely countryside


  1. Well I definitely think you should get lost again ... but make sure you find this path!
    Lovely photo's - and a new pub too - can't be bad!

    Happy weekend to you

    All the best Jan

  2. Getting lost was half the fun (at least).

  3. ___ And you've seen such... that others would never see; we then, are a part of nature. _m

  4. There you go! Something new around a corner!

  5. Very nice landscapes!

  6. Anonymous5:30 am

    always good to try something new - looks lovely

  7. I think that you might take this path again! Every shot was excellent, but the poppy in the grass will stay with me.

  8. Sounds (and looks) like a great day. Thanks for taking us along.

  9. Hi Juliet

    Looks like the perfect day finding a new pathway, and enjoying all the wonderful nature and outdoors and ending up at the little pub.
    Happy weekend


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