
Monday 20 June 2016

Bee Happy for 30 Days Wild

I was very happy to see a lot of bees in Colinton Dell today. This area of comfrey was buzzing with buff tailed and white tailed bumble bees, plus a fair number of common carder bumble bees.

Only this red tailed bumble bee allowed me to photograph it though

This brambly area was also full of bees, as well as the buff and white tailed bees and common carders there was a tree bumble bee in here, though it didn't stop for a photo

I was delighted to see and photograph this lovely pellucid hoverfly (Volucella pellucens)

Apparently the larvae of this hoverfly live in the nests of social wasps and bumblebees, eating waste products and the bee larvae.

For 30 Days Wild.


  1. Cool shots of the hoverfly. It is great you are seeing a lot of bees, we want to keep them happy. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!

  2. saw one of those hoverflies yesterday, but it didn't stop either. Lots of bees were about in the rain at the park today, on this herbal plan that they love, might be thyme.

  3. I always love seeing bees! Lovely.

  4. I didn't know that about the hoverfly. Learning something new makes me "bee happy".

  5. Wonderful pollinators for our US based Pollinator Week Juliet..... Michelle

  6. My tree cotoneaster is totally alive with bees - the buzzing is amazing but they are too far away to catch on film! #NatyreNotes


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