
Friday 13 May 2016

From Bunnies to Zebras - the animals of Corstorphine Hill

I joined Crafty Green Boyfriend for a lunchtime wander round Corstorphine Hill today. It was dull and chilly, so the orange tip butterflies and hoverflies were nowhere to be seen!

We did however see this lovely bunny and a few of it's shyer friends in front of the hotel near the zoo

Meanwhile on top of the hill we had great views of the zebras in  the zoo

The cherry blossoms are still beautiful, these ones were hanging so low I could photograph them from a more unusual angle


  1. Hello, love the cute bunny and the zebra! The Cherry Blossoms are beautiful! Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  2. Lots of baby bunnies around here at the moment, startling at me when I run or cycle by. Better me than a fox or dog though.

  3. I love the zebras. We too have lots of young bunnies around.
    Our cherry blossom is nearly over. Enjoy yours, It lasts such a short time.

  4. Love the bunny. :-)

    Greetings from London.

  5. The zebra picture certainly surprised me for a minute -- until I read you could see the Zoo from where you were. What a fun walk.

  6. Hi Juliet,

    What a fun day - seeing a bunny and zebra.
    The cherry blossoms are pretty too and must be a lovely time of the year there.
    Happy weekend

  7. I just LOVE zebras, thanks for sharing this photo. Have a super Sunday Juliet. :-)

  8. zoo in the park
    a bunny on my side
    of the bars

    Of course, not all zoos have bars, but the one in this poem does.

  9. I couldn't believe I was seeing Zebra's !

    Lovely post

    All the best Jan


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