
Saturday 16 April 2016

Craigmillar Castle Park

It was a lovely morning for exploring the grounds of Craigmillar Castle today.

There are several wooded areas in the grounds, many of them planted around 2000 to celebrate the Millenium.

The castle (a favourite of Mary Queen of Scots) dominates many views around the gardens


While if you turn from the castle you get wonderful views across Edinburgh to Arthurs Seat and Salisbury Crags

The weather was quite chilly, but it's definitely spring, the horse chestnut trees are busily unfurling their leaves

and the ash tree buds are starting to unfurl

and we were delighted to get this lovely view of a mistle thrush gathering worms (thanks Crafty Green Boyfriend for this photo)

As you can see from many of the photos, the skies were quite dramatic and our walk was brought to an end when the hail started!

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more


  1. I suppose that weather will come to our direction now, it's dark and cloudy already.
    Beautiful views of Craigmillar Castle grounds, hope to be able to visit Scotland soon and of course also this castle.

  2. Chilly here, too! What a lovely place to visit: I have never been there. I wonder how many castles Mary Queen of Scots actually visited - quite a number, I feel sure. I haven't seen a Mistle Thrush for ages ... a beautiful sight.

  3. Interesting Juliet_!
    __Just thinking about the old, and its time of passage into the new; I fully enjoyed your photos and the words of your walk.

    stone on stone
    the lichens of yester-time
    a thrush grazes


  4. Some lovely views here, so good that you were out and about to get them, to share with us.

    Enjoy your Sunday

    All the best Jan

  5. April is all sorts of unsettled weather here too!


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