
Wednesday 2 March 2016

Snow is Forecast.....

Snow was apparently on the way today, but this morning, this is what it looked like at Musselburgh

The catkins on the pussy willow tree are starting to open

and the black headed gulls are halfway to getting their black heads back

Actually their breeding season heads are dark brown rather than black. At the moment individual gulls have differing amounts of black on their heads. I think it's the dominant males that are the first to get their full 'black' heads back.

When I arrived back in Edinburgh it had started raining. No snow yet though.


  1. I was wondering about the logic behind the gulls darkening heads. In the flocks I see at the moment, there has only been one bird with a full hat on!

  2. It just looks cold!

  3. Wonderful light on the water!

  4. That first scene is heavenly. :-)

  5. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  6. Beautiful pictures ...

    All the best Jan


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