
Friday 4 March 2016

Closes of Edinburgh's Royal Mile

One of the people who came along to my creative writing class on Tuesday evening mentioned how her story had been partly inspired by Patrick Geddes and his garden just off Edinburgh's Royal Mile. So I decided to pay this garden a visit today, it's one of the hidden gardens of the Royal Mile I wasn't yet aware of. The Royal Mile is home to several hidden gardens. This one is found by walking down the close that leads to the Scottish Book Trust, just near John Knox House.

It's a small, neatly designed garden with a prominent memorial bust to Geddes

Geddes was a botanist and an environmentalist with a keen interest in urban renewal. He created gardens in derelict patches of land and believed in the value of gardens for food production, learning about the natural world and contributing to social cohesion.

The garden also features this lovely sculpture

After spending some time in the garden, I crossed the road to Tweedale Close. At the back of this close is an office block, whose doors are always open and the first thing you see through the doors is a large book case. This is one of Edinburgh's Bookcrossing Zone and you can go in and help yourself to a book or two! The idea is that you read the book and then pass it on again (putting it back in the same bookshelves or givinng it to someone else), you can also track the book through the Bookcrossing website, adding in your comments about the book and who you gave it to afterwards.

Some of the closes off the Royal Mile are in less than beautiful condition so it's nice to know that they are due to be refurbished, hopefully in a sensitive manner that respects the history of the area.

I walked home through the Meadows, where some of the crocuses are at their best.

Spring is on it's way!

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more.


  1. As opposed to the today attitude of "quick, let's build crappy ugly boxes all over evey inch of greenspace there is"

  2. Well those photo's are lovely, and it looks a nice small garden.

    You walk home and view of the crocus is nice too...sometimes it is so good to walk!

    Enjoy the remainder of Friday and good wishes for the coming weekend.

    All the best Jan

  3. How interesting to find unknown corners in your beautiful city. I love the sculpture.

  4. I love finding green spaces within cities! Thanks for sharing your recent find.

  5. A lovely post! I would love to have been with you on that walk.

  6. This makes me want to return to Edinburgh for a visit.


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