
Wednesday 23 March 2016


The pussy willows are at their wonderful best around Musselburgh at the moment.

The catkins on different trees mature at different times, here are some very young male catkins on a tree near the Boating Pond

while these are older male catkins on a tree near the Lagoons Nature Reserve

I love how the anthers (yellow structures) and stamens (the filaments supporting the anthers) emerge slowly and at different times, giving a lovely effect

I think the ones below may be young female catkins on another tree near the Lagoons

(If you are interested in finding out more about pussy willow catkins, there are some amazing photos on the  UK Microscopy site.)

Of course, pussy willows aren't the only trees with catkins. There are lots of alder trees around Musselburgh Lagoons and the John Muir Walkway (a natural place for them as they are, like willows, trees of damp soils. The alders look lovely at the minute, they have male catkins and female cones on the same tree

And all the time, I was surrounded by the glorious sound of skylarksong.


  1. The carkins are out here too, but I can't snap them because they are bit much for my mobile camera to focus on for some reason!

  2. Your spring appears to be about 1 week ahead of ours here along Puget Sound this year.

  3. Simon - my camera doesn't focus on the catkins easily either....

    Rabbits' Guy - some aspects of spring here are earlier than usual this year...

  4. Sounds like a peaceful walk you had. Lovely catkins.

  5. I love pussy willows, thanks for sharing.


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