
Wednesday 9 March 2016

as a woodpecker drums....

It was a dull and damp morning in Colinton Dell today. Signs of Spring were however, everywhere

raindrops glitter on these silver birch catkins

the buds on the ash are very prominent just now, and the remains of last years keys are still hanging on, even more so in the photo below 

I was interested to find these oak apples, which are galls formed by small wasps. I was curious to read here that these are usually only found in May and June. I assume those in my photo are old ones. Though as I've never noticed them before, perhaps they're quite new (but then even though I do this walk every week and am observant, there's no way I can notice everything every time).

This lichen is very pretty and very common, I thought I knew what species it was, but actually I don't, so if you can help with identification, please feel free to add a comment!

A great spotted woodpecker was drumming and lots of birds were singing, including a dipper and several song thrushes. Song thrushes are declining quite badly across the UK, it's always nice to know they seem to thrive in Colinton Dell.


  1. I saw one song thrush by my flat this winter, and was amazed to see it too.

    I have an oak tree still covered in last years leaves, now brown and dry.

  2. We had rain, rain and rain today!
    You were fortunate to get some great shots here, thanks for sharing.

    Enjoy the remainder of your week.

    All the best Jan

  3. Spring coming! Skunk cabbages just starting to bloom here.

  4. How lovely to have the Dipper: we used to see them more frequently in Wales.

  5. Thanks everyone!

    Caroline - we're so lucky to have dippers in Edinburgh, such lovely birds and a regular part of any walk along our rivers and streams

  6. Lovely photos, the lichen is pretty. I would love to see that woodpecker. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  7. What a nice series of rainy day photos! I especially love the shot of lichen.


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