
Saturday 20 February 2016

Hide in the Shadows

It was a beautiful sunny day when I visited Musselburgh on Monday. Perfect for shadows in the bird hide! I like the way alders (the trees behind the hide in the photo) look at this time of year, their catkins and cones both out before the leaves.They love growing by water, so the area round the hides at Musselburgh Lagoons is perfect for them.

 and here's the view over the lagoons and across to Fife, most of the birds are right at the far end, to the left of the edge of the photo. There were lots of teal (performing their beautiful and entertaining courtship dance) and wigeon that day and a couple of shelducks and shovelers. Also curlews and oystercatchers.

You can see more photos from the day here.

For Shadow Shot Sunday. 

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other pages where you can find out more. 


  1. Gorgeous! :-)

    Greetings from London.

  2. AH! Proof that the sun did shine. ;)

  3. ... here too, the water-birds are telling us, its time to welcome the green_! _m

  4. Anonymous2:15 am

    love the sun and shadows - nice photography

  5. lovely images! What exactly is a "hide"? I've not heard/read that expression.

  6. Hi Kathe, a hide is a place where you can sit and watch birds (and other wildlife) without them seeing you

  7. What a lovely view and I like the shadow shot. Nice spots for birding. Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week!

  8. Some lovely images - I love the way that shadows work.

    All the best Jan

  9. I love shadows like that - beautiful.

  10. Nice views and beautiful shadow shot.
    Many greetings!

  11. Great shots :)
    Cheers, Srivi -


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