
Wednesday 24 February 2016

Different Perspectives on plants in the Dells

It was a beautifully sunny day today, still chilly but full of birdsong in Colinton Dell as I did my weekly voluntary patrol round the area, picking litter and noting wildlife (and saying hello to all my doggie friends and their owners!).

The first crocuses are out and I got as close as I could to ground level to get this photo

My favourite clump of snowdrops is also fully in bloom just now, this grows on an ivy covered bank so I don't need to crouch down so low to get the photo!

Moving my eyes from the undergrowth and looking up, there are so many wonderful trees around, including these majestic Scots pines

I also enjoy looking really close at the details of nature, this is a wonderful ash tree, covered in lichens and with a wonderful little clump of moss!

Today's photo of a grey heron didn't work quite so well, though in real life this was a great view, and I watched the heron for a while as it waited patiently for a fish, then walked around and eventually flew off over my head.


  1. The flowers are lovely. You must be at least a month ahead of us.

  2. Some of this, some of that! Nice variety!

  3. Hello, lovely captures of the flowers and heron! Enjoy your Thursday and the weekend ahead!

  4. Such balm for my soul seeing your spring pics!

  5. I admired the header picture as soon as I came and wondered about it .. So glad it was in this post and of course now I see exactly what it is...beautiful .. You have the greatest eye for the wonderful details! Love all the pictures and that's a wonderful volunteer thing to do ... Giving back while ding out in this beautiful area! Thanks for doing it and for sharing the benefits .

  6. Love those snowdrops!


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