
Saturday 7 November 2015

Muddy walk at Cammo

It was raining this morning (and it still is in fact!) so for some reason we decided to go to Cammo, the muddiest place in Edinburgh for our walk!

We were there for the autumn colours of course

The raspberry bushes were particularly beautiful

Nice to see some fungi too, including this jelly ear fungus

and this, as yet, unidentified fungus, nestling in the fallen leaves

We were also very happy to see quite a lot of redwings flying about, another reason why we had chosen to visit Cammo as these beautiful winter thrushes are frequently seen here at this time of year.

Oh and a nice wintry looking view of the Cammo Tower


  1. Is jelly ear fungus what is referred to in an old fungi book of mine as "Jew's Ear" - understandable if they changed the name!

  2. It does look like fall there... we had a warm humid day with a lot of sunshine and temps in the low 80s until about 3 when the clouds moved in and it started to rain

  3. Gotta have a little mud in your life!

    (Just wipe your feet before coming in ...)

  4. Very nice autumn images, really enjoyable!

  5. It's a very beautiful Fall walk -- but then, I didn't have to clean off the boots after it. ;>) Thanks for sharing the good parts and letting me skip the mud.

  6. Anonymous5:51 am

    beautiful photos and some weird looking fungi!

  7. Hi Gabrielle, yes jelly ear is a weird looking fungus and yes Simon, it used to be called Jew's Ear. It's edible apparently.

  8. Sallie and Rabbits' Guy - we were careful to take our boots off before we came back into the flat!

  9. What lovely photos!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  10. These are lovely photo's - thanks for sharing.

    All the best Jan


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