
Friday 2 October 2015

October Butterflies and other delights of an Indian Summer

Another beautiful day today, our lovely early autumn is more than making up for our lack of good weather during the summer! I joined Crafty Green Boyfriend for his lunchtime walk round Corstorphine HIll today.

The trees are definitely taking on their autumn colours and looking beautiful against the brilliant blue sky

The rosebay willowherb (fireweed) has fully taken on autumn colours

We were delighted to see two butterflies, this peacock

and this red admiral

Also this Eristalis hoverfly

and this spider, whose web was glowing so nicely in the sunshine

We also had a great view of a sparrowhawk, but it was too much in a rush to stop to be photographed!


  1. Wonderful! And now, Juliet, it is my turn to 'covet' your butterfly sightings. I keep being told they are about, but they are eluding me, and the sedum David bought me to make up for the lack of butterflies on our white buddleia has to date attracted just one tiny hoverfly!

  2. Love those flutterbys!

  3. All so beautiful, very nice butterflies!

  4. __Perhaps >color or colour< should be re-spelled as >coLure<; that >Lure< in the bland.

    of this browning lea

    As always, Juliet... Nifty!

  5. Lots of Eristialis here on the ivy! No peacocks though, just red admirals.

  6. Fantastic pictures here.
    October can be a lovely month.

    All the best Jan

  7. Absolutely stunning images, especially the butterflies.


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