
Wednesday 14 October 2015

Every leaf is a jewel

Our wonderful autumnal sunshine continues, making every leaf a glowing jewel

Musselburgh Lagoons were covered in over 200 lapwings, their backs and wings glimmering beautifully in the light, though too far away to photograph. I also loved watchng the teals, the beautiful emerald colour hidden in their wings showing itself every so often as they shifted position on the water.

The only birds that got close enough for photos were these mute swahs

I was delighted and surprised to see a lot of hoverflies on the last of the flowers that have been so wonderful along the John Nuir Walkway this year. So delighted in fact that none of my photos are much good, but here's a Syrphus sp. either S. ribesii or S. vitripennis (You need a better view of the legs to be sure of the species!!!)

and this I think is an Eristalis tenax


  1. Hello, pretty Autumn leaves and colors. The swans are gorgeous, I would love to see the Lapwings. Great photos, enjoy your day!

  2. Hello, pretty Autumn leaves and colors. The swans are gorgeous, I would love to see the Lapwings. Great photos, enjoy your day!

  3. Oh what wonderful photos, liked seeing the swans most of all. Hope your beautiful weather continues. It's sunny and warm, here in BC Canada too, so nice!!!

  4. Beautiful and every leaf in autumn is a jewel isn't it.

  5. ... especially the swans and their shadows, both sides of life. _m

  6. Every leaf is indeed a jewel ...
    Lovely post and lovely photo's.

    All the best Jan


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