
Friday 30 October 2015

Birding in the rain

It's been dull all day and raining on and off. Not perhaps the ideal day to go birdwatching, but a lot of interesting birds have been reported in and around Edinburgh and the coast recently, so off  I went to Musselburgh.

The fields and trees look wonderful in their autumn colours against the grey skies

It was warm enough that I didn't mind getting wet, the actual problem with the rain was the way it reduced visibility, my binoculars were totally saturated!

I did see some great birds, lots of lapwings on the Lagoons, a kestrel hunting over the grass and a few velvet scoters on the Firth of Forth. But if that Lapland bunting reported from this area a few days ago, was still around, I totally missed it....


As many readers may know, I lead beginners' birdwatching walks for Edinburgh Council Adult Education Programme. The next term starts 10am Mon 22nd February 2016.  Then a series if early summer evening birdwatching classes, Tuesday evenings  for 5 weeks from 19th April 2016.

Next term I'm also teaching a Tuesday morning (10am) Winter Wildlife Class for 8 weeks from 19th January 2016.

Booking for these classes will open on 9 December. 


  1. A bird watching class sounds fun! Beautiful shots, as always.

  2. What is it they say? "There is not bad weather, just bad gear."

  3. Hi Lynn - yes the birdwatching classes are fun!

    Rabbits Guy - exactly.

  4. dull day
    raining on and off
    I go birding

  5. Are you having better weather this weekend?
    It's always nice to get out and about but looking through binoculars in the rain, can not be too easy!

    All the best Jan

  6. The birdwatching class sounds like fun! I am a fairweather birder, I would not go out in the rain. Have a happy new week!

  7. Isn't it fun coming in wet and happy?!


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